Sitto’s Button

Sitto’s Button Originally uploaded by plainsight In my grandmother’s button collection, I found this fabric covered button–the perfect match for the jacket I’m delivering to O Wool at TNNA this weekend. I’d like to know what the previous life of

KIP… on the metro

KIP… on the metro Originally uploaded by plainsight Worldwide Knitting in Public Day is coming up people! Barbara, Martha, Hillary, Junko (not pictured) and I took the metro to the Stitch and Pitch Game. It was the most people I’d

Geeky Fun…

weird hair 2 Originally uploaded by plainsight I found out by accident, that in iChat, you can take a little snapshot of the video screen. This is my brother while we were chatting late this evening. He swears he did

More Sweets

Beth Swider’s Sweet Sweater Originally uploaded by plainsight. Beth designed this cardi using the Sweet sweater template. She didn’t stop there–she went on to make another in a solid color with long sleeves.

Strawberry hat

Strawberry hat Originally uploaded by Anniki. I have always loved those knit baby fruit and vegetable hats that are de rigeur at showers (or were when my wee ones were born)… But now they seem predictable compared to this beauty,

Chips and Hooks

Chips and Hooks Originally uploaded by plainsight. James organized a friendly neighborhood poker game tonight at our house. Laura and I thought, since we folded just about every hand, that we might as well crochet while we played–Laura’s making a

Swatch that Blog

Famed crochet designer Marty Miller has a new blog all about swatching! I’m one of those crazies who loves to swatch, so I’m very excited to hear what she has to say.

Primary Colors

Have you seen Slate’s Green Challenge? It’s a fun way to measure your carbon footprint and it helps you figure out how you can reduce it even more. This week’s portion of the quiz is about what you wear–and there’s