Day: October 18, 2007

  • Down to the wire

    Down to the wire
    Originally uploaded by plainsight

    Trying out my not so new blocking wires

  • Time to Go to Rhinebeck!!

    Time to Go to Rhinebeck!

    Originally uploaded by plainsight

    James and the kids and I are driving up and meeting my friend Martha and her family. We’re staying here. It looks amazing. I can’t wait to see it in person.

    I’ve packed clothes, electronics, food, (made pancake mix, blueberry pie, trail mix)… now its time to pack a little car knitting!

    I’ll try and blog from my cell phone once or twice while I’m gone. I might try to twitter a bit (see sidebar, left), if I can get it to work from my phone…

    And of course, I’ll give a more comprehensive report when I get back!

    …gotta keep packing…