Are these your socks?

IMG00018.jpg Originally uploaded by plainsight To the knitter of the cute ribbed ankle socks lovingly made from Cascade Fixation which look as if they had never been worn or washed and feature a pretty slipped stitch heal an a perfect

Robyn’s Moravian Star

Moravian Star Originally uploaded by rchach Have you seen Robyn’s Morovian (10-pointed) star? She was inspired by the one knitte by Norah Gaughan, and had to crochet her own version. Very cool, Robyn, now how about a pattern? 🙂 [Link]

NY Times Profiles the Handmade Phenomenon

NYTimes writer Rob walker pofiles Etsy founder Robert Kalin and other members of the consortium behind the Handmade Pledge. I love this point about Etsy–I think it applies equally to all the popular craft sites: “the luck or genius of

I’ll be home for Christmas

At Hamilton College, where my parents work, some of the staff have been sharing stories and memories about the holidays via e-mail. This is what my mom shared. She insists that she had told me the following story when I

No time to post, so here’s a recipe!

We had a busy weekend, a latke party with friends, then the knitters came over to my house last night for a crazy fun pot luck which included piano ramblings, singing, and even banjo playing! I’m recovering today, and getting

Idle hands…

I just finished this today: Not quite down to the wire, but almost. (I worked the second sleeve while I was getting my hair cut yesterday, that’s my kind of multitasking). I was feeling a bit rushed weaving in the