Designing for Grannies, Pt. 1

GRANNIES!!!!!!!!!! This is how Julie Holetz and I have felt lately talking about granny squares.  Julie and I are working on a new project: A small book of granny square and granny inspired projects that will have you running for

Helping Haiti

James told me today that the Coast Guard Cutter Oak (out of Charleston, NC) is on its way to help with the Haiti earthquake response. I’ve been meaning to make an additional donation to Medecins Sans Frontiers (Doctors Without Borders)

We Have a Winner

Congratulations to Caitlin of Running With Needles. She’s the winner of our little Japanese crochet book. I’ve been spending the last week working on a writing project that has kept me away from blogging. Hopefully I can talk more about

Cultural Slowdown?

My brother proposed a theory to me the other night on the phone. He said that the Internet had slowed cultural change. Specifically, I think he said something like, “Things haven’t changed much since 1995 when everyone got online.” His

New, New, New! New Year, New projects, New ideas even a New Contest…

It’s amazing the energy that seems to be happening this new year. The few listservs I am on are abuzz with ideas, it’s exciting to hear about new technologies and trends in publishing and the web new books coming out