Ms. Diane of CraftyPod tweeted the other day that her mom had blogged a picture of one of her childhood Halloween costumes. Of course this inspired me to ask my mom if she had any pictures lying around of me and my brother in old Halloween costumes. She found some.
I’m not sure about my brother’s expression. Maybe he thought that Martians wouldn’t smile. I do love that the Martian space uniform says “Mars” on it. Of course! This must have been about 1982.
What I remember about this costume is that wearing it made me completely bonkers. I was the bounciest court jester anyone had ever seen. I remember riding into town in the backseat of our little Dodge Colt and driving my mom crazy because I was so excited. It was the one year that we went to town to participate in the village Halloween parade. We lived about 2 miles from town and usually stayed up on the hill and trick-or-treated in our neighborhood where there were plenty of kids and houses. I bounced along through the parade, and then there was a review at the fire station where I won some kind of prize for my little costume. I doubt I needed any candy that year.
What were your favorite Halloween costumes, did you have any pictures?
Don’t forget, just a couple more days to enter my All Hallow’s Read Creepy Craft Book Giveaway.