With apologies to Stephanie for co-opting her great use of the phrase… We really did scare the muggles tonight. At our normally quite rowdy monthly Savory knitting group we were trying to convince Rebecca that yes, her mohair shawl would look nicer blocked and wouldn’t simply highlight any errors. All of a sudden we were a crazy mob chanting, “Block it, block it, block it!” (One of the bridge players from another part of the café stopped me in the parking lot later to find out what in the world we were shouting about. He thought it must have been football. I said, “No, it was lace.”)
We also had Wallace holding court and giving a demonstration of the Irish knitting pins and belt he had been given by Beth Brown-Reinsel. He called it the “Poor Man’s Knitting Machine, and it was certainly fun to watch.
Our knitting family was there–their son, who’s seven, was knitting a scarf using yarn he had spun himself(!) — He and his mom had come along on the crazy road trip to Rhinebeck this weekend, where he, Selma and Warren (who’s mom was driving) were sitting in the back row of the minivan. I had worried that Warren would be bored with kids knitting on either side of him. I shouldn’t have worried. He was knitting by the time we got to Rhinebeck–taught by the other kids. He came too, tonight with his first project–a felted trivet, and a scarf on the needles. (I do have more to post about Rhinebeck, I promise!)
Oh, and Maggie Sefton had commented on my blog recently that she’d be in DC and wanted to meet up… I recommended she come to Savory, she seemed to enjoy the craziness and we got to see a sneak peak of the cover of her next book–spinning plays a part in the murder plot.
Jennifer had a copy of Michael’s Knitting With Balls, which has just come out. The book is fabulous. The men’s garments are beautiful, wearable, and the book has been extremely well produced, great photography, well chosen models… Hannah said it gives new meaning to the phrase “yarn porn.”
OK, I was supposed to be crocheting for the last hour. I have a terribly tight deadline this week, and about eighteen inches to go… Back to work!
Technorati Tags:
knitting, review, book, lace, Yarn Harlot, Maggie Sefton, Rhinebeck
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