Day: December 28, 2006

  • Even deep in…

    rural Arkansas, you don’t have to try very hard to find a little bandwith… I’ve caught a wifi signal, so I thought I’d just post a quick Howdy. I found a huge doily at a flea market for $1.50 yesterday that needed rescue–it was variegated orange and white, I figure that’s why it got abandoned, but it’s pinneapples are expertly crocheted, so it wil find a place somewere at my house (I love orange). I also found a plethora of vintage aprons but I only let one come home with me–it’s plaid and has a hand-towel sewn right on–I love that.

    The mathematicians are picking up their hooks and needles more than ever–it turns out (of course we’re not surprised, are we?) that crochet is a wonderful way to show physical renderings of very hard to understand mathmatical concepts. We’ve read about it before, but here’s another nice piece in Science News by way of my my brother, and Boing Boing. (The Boing Boing piece has links to patterns for making your own mathmatical wonders.)