It’s Here!

In Cordova, there’s no mail delivery to houses, so we all get our mail at the post office. Yesterday, when I picked up my mail, there was a little key with a number on it in the box and a

Finding Rhythm

It seems like I get to the end of each day here and I can’t believe how little I’ve gotten done. The process of settling in is slow and I have a hard time being patient. Selma has started school,


We’re still here! Just digging our way out of boxes: It’s great to be in our house, but I can’t wait until things are put away. As fun as it looks, even the kids are getting sick of boxes. Their

Lost and Found

Lost. One of the things I love about moving is getting lost. When I’m exploring a new area, I love to wander around back roads feeling my way and learning the area. I had thought that it wouldn’t be possible

A Good Sign.

We’re here. All the way to Cordova. Finally. After a month of moving, house sitting, traveling, seeing relatives, and spending time with gracious friends who hosted us in Maryland and Seattle.  We can’t wait until Wednesday morning when James returns