Ruffle Dishcloth Pattern

I decided to join a dishcloth exchange, thinking it would be a great way to experiment with motifs, stitch patterns, etc. while still creating something functional. It’s true! And not only that–believe it or not, crocheted dishcloths are great to

Crochet Library: The Yarn Girl’s Guide to Simple Knits

Well, ok. If you are going to knit, you should have fun doing it! The Yarn Girls’ Guide to Simple Knits by Julie Carles and Jordana Jacobs is a crocheter’s knitting book. Why? Well, mainly because we crocheters are used

Freeform Flower

flower, originally uploaded by agent gray. I came across this georgeous flower on a flickr wandering tonight. I just love it! I would love to find out more about the artist who created it… Who are you Agent Gray? Do

"The Cult of Knit" Is Intervention Required?

I have to believe it when Eat Your Heart out Martha (a great site!) talks about The Cult of Knit after my trip to the bookstore today. While browsing for anything interesting on the crochet shelf (nada), I stumbled upon

Off the wagon…

I was on a yarn diet until… someone on an e-mail list I subscribed to mentioned that Elann was going to be selling ORGANIC cotton yarn for under $3.00 per ball. The yarn is made by Pakucho, comes from Peru,

Well I’ve been a little obsessed with all this shrug-making business, so much so that I forgot to mention that I had an article come out in the summer issue of CrochetMe. It’s on bowls and baskets–if you read the

Crochet Library: The Portable Crafter, Crochet

This week’s book was designed for those of us who do not like to have idle hands. The Portable Crafter: Crochet by Carolyn Christmas is small enough to fit in a purse, and most of the projects in the book

Alpaca Silk Shrug

shrug back, originally uploaded by plainsight. I’ve just finished the 2nd version of Selma’s Shrug The pattern is available on Lulu: Technorati Tags: crochet shrug pattern