Crochet Library: The Portable Crafter, Crochet

This week’s book was designed for those of us who do not like to have idle hands. The Portable Crafter: Crochet by Carolyn Christmas is small enough to fit in a purse, and most of the projects in the book use small amounts of yarn that can also be carried easily.

The book has project that are enticingly photographed, but no specific yarn information is given in the book, so a crocheter who wanted to reproduce a pattern exactly might have a hard time (though a clever “stashaholic” could probably make accurate guesses).

There’s a short introductory section with the basics of crochet, and over twenty-five patterns stuffed into the small volume. The patterns range from run-of-the-mill baby blankets and booties to a couple of furry purses. There’s a very easy flip-flop pattern and a pretty pair of socks crocheted in the round. The book has only one actual garment–a boxy sleeveless top that might make a nice beginner project. The patterns that really stand out are the hats and scarves. The Tasseled Beret & Scarf is stunning with its red fur mixed with tweedy wool–the hat has great finishing details and the scarf has novel bell-shaped edges. The Chelsea Hat & Scarf set is also beautiful with a complex but approachable stitch pattern and appealing colors. Perhaps my favorite hat is the Baby Cupcake Hat featured on the cover of the book. I love the ribbing and the color choices.

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