Sunday’s Slow Cooker

I’m busy editing a book today, so out came the slow cooker–head on over to my food blog, Comfort Kitchen, if you’d like to see my recipe for Green Bean and Mushroom Stew.. Getting back to work now…

Make it work!

Just a quick note… Annie’s going to “represent” for knitters and audition for this year’s round of Project Runway. There couldn’t be a better choice since her skills go way beyond knitwear design to costume, haberdashery, just about anything you

Breaking Chains…

OK, well, not literally. A not so new crochet technique has been getting some attention lately, and it’s a little confusing to people for several reasons. It’s what I call the Chainless Foundation. It’s a method of starting a project,

Foodie Friday

Deneen posts a recipe every Friday, which is a great idea, but we ordered pizza tonight. Instead, I’ll give you this article by chef Anthony Bourdain–I have a love-hate thing for him… He slams vegetarians, which is annoying, but he


Henry Originally uploaded by plainsight. I brought the knitting machine to my middle-school class today. Claire used some camo yarn to make Henry, a sock puppet she’s going to give to her little cousin–she started a sock puppet frenzy, so

Sunday Meal–Updated w/post-production notes

I don’t have much time to do hand-work over the weekends, but I do like to make a big pot of something on Sundays that will last us for a couple of meals during the week, when we’re all so

Granny’s Basket

Granny’s Basket Originally uploaded by plainsight. I joined Kim’s new Granny-along and this was my first take on the granny square in some years. So maybe it isn’t quite square… After It got to a normal square size, I stopped

Up in Flames

One of my favorite crocheters, Regina, has outdone herself with this one. I’m still waiting to hear if this is a design for publication, and if so… where?

First FO’s

0228071535.jpg Originally uploaded by plainsight. These new crocheters from my middle school knit and crochet class are modeling their first projects–they went from novices to designers in one fell swoop creating their own hat designs!