Super Mom Hot Fudge

We don’t usually have ice cream hanging around the freezer, but there’s a little left over from Selma’s birthday. I wanted some–so I offered some to Selma (we were watching High School Musical together–she was fantasizing that when she got

Crochet a Coral Reef

The mathematicians at the Institute for Figuring have been busy crocheting more hyperbolic sculptures. From the institute’s web site: In homage to the Great One, IFF co-directors Margaret and Christine Wertheim have instigated a project to crochet a handmade reef.


Finishing Originally uploaded by plainsight. I don’t know why I procrastinate finishing so much. Maybe I put it off because finishing means I have to send the project away (usually), and it is hard to get rid of something you’ve

Economic Decision

This piece of paper was in Selma’s school folder today. Apparently, they’re learning about economics. She was asked to pick two things and decide how to spend her money, and explain why.

A Tea Party

Pretty Dresses Originally uploaded by plainsight. Selma turns seven today and she had her birthday party on Saturday (of course, we’ll celebrate again tonight). She decided to have a tea party, she was inspired by the “Felicity” books she’s been

Puppet Frenzy

Michelle’s Slippers Originally uploaded by plainsight. We had more knitting machine fun today with the middle schoolers–Michelle, who made the slipper you see here is going to turn them into sock puppet slippers–I advised she paint some puff paint onto

Spring = Cleaning

Callie Originally uploaded by plainsight. Callie–our almost 12-year old keeshound has pancreatitis and spent the night at the vet. She seems to be doing well, I called this morning, and they said her demeanor defies her prognosis–she’s active, alert, eating.

Vintage Fashion Expo 2007 SF

Vintage Fashion Expo 2007 SF Originally uploaded by natzee. Natalie got to go to the Vintage Fashion Expo in San Francisco this past weekend. This is what she bought–she has plenty more pictures on flickr of other amazing things she

Sneak Peek Monday

Sneak Peek Originally uploaded by plainsight. This is my latest project for Blue Sky Alpacas–a tunic vest with fun to knit darts in the front. The neatest thing about this project? You knit the waist ribbing first–casting on with a

Down to the yard…

When I’m tech-editing patterns, one of the things I need to do is figure out the exact amount of yarn needed to make a garment. It’s one of my favorite parts of the process because it seems a little bit