
July has been a crazy month. We’ve had a fabulous time entertaining visitors–two families, friends from Maryland, visited us–and we finally had excuses to do some of the fabulous nearby sightseeing that’s all around us. Like exploring the beaches at low tide.

Tidepooling at Orca Inlet - 17

Hiking the arctic rainforest that’s all around us.

Haystack Trail

We visited Child’s Glacier, which is “out the road” about as far away as you can get from downtown Cordova by car. The glacier is doing a lot of “calving” this year, which means big chunks fall off dramatically and make waves. It’s amazing to watch.

Child's Glacier - 10

Here’s a little video of calving shot by a friend. I wasn’t there on this day, but apparently the wave from the glacier came up almost 30 feet.

Since it was a gorgeous day, we weren’t the only ones who were out at the glacier. I bumped into my friend Angela who happened to also bring her knitting. Ok, people only thought we were a little odd staging this photo.

Child's Glacier - 22

I finally turned the heel last night on that little crocheted sock I’m working on in the picture. It’s been a fun experiment in getting a toe-up crocheted sock to fit *really* well. I’m applying wisdom from Elizabeth Zimmerman and Cat Bordhi, and then, of course making lots of adjustments to suit the nature of crocheted fabric and my design ideas.

I’ve also finished a shawl I was working on in June. I got some of our visiting girls (and Selma) to model it for me.

Madeline modeling shawl

The shawl is worked in Noro Kureyon Sock. Once I catch my breath, in August after all of the summer visitor excitement is done, I’ll write up the pattern.

Madeline modeling shawl

It had been unseasonably warm here–we got to do a lot of things that didn’t happen last summer when it was quite rainy. Like swim in the lake behind our house. (Looks a bit more like summer in the lower-48, doesn’t it?)

Swimming in the Lake - 01

Since our visitors left we’ve been very busy with bluegrass music camp-Selma took banjo and songwriting and contra dancing. We hosted a counselor, and I helped organize, wrangle kids, photograph, document, and cook a bit. We had concerts and square dances, classes and great meals together. It was an exhausting and fun week.

The teachers that came in for the camp were just incredible-not only were they 1st class musicians, but so caring to the kids and so open in sharing their love for music. This little video shows a few of the teachers including Selma’s banjo teacher, Luke.

UPDATE! Luke has pointed me to his youtube video of the square dance “Sasha.”

The weather held out for us and since then it’s been quite rainy. The perfect weather for art and fiber. We’ve spent much of the week at The Net Loft. Selma took a painting class.


I’m learning to use a 4-harness loom. Last week we planned and warped.

Using the Warping Board in a Weaving Class at The Net Loft

(Photo by Selma)


My first warp chain (Looks suspiciously like the skein I started with, but believe me it was a couple of hours work to produce). The yarn is handmaiden casbah, color, rust. Lucious.


This is my friend Pam setting up her warp. This week we’re all ready to start weaving. On Monday I’ll be putting together kits for the classes I’m teaching this week and next – a crocheted granny square neckace, and needle felting. There are rumblings around town that the berries are ripening early. Wednesday and Thursday may be dry, so I’m hoping to do some major salmon-berry picking.


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