A new book that got my fingers itching for a hook: Crochet Master Class

The book is called, Crochet Master Class: Lessons and Projects from Today’s Top Crocheters. It came in the mail last night from the publisher, and I was immediately drawn in. It’s a book you can sit down and read and

All Hallow’s Read – Creepy Craft Book Giveaway

photo credit: mkhall Last week on Twitter, author Neil Gaiman mused that there should be more holidays for giving away books. And because of the way things work on Twitter and the Interwebs, now there is. It’s called All Hallow’s

Designing for Grannies, Pt. 1

GRANNIES!!!!!!!!!! This is how Julie Holetz and I have felt lately talking about granny squares.  Julie and I are working on a new project: A small book of granny square and granny inspired projects that will have you running for

A Book Giveaway for May Day

May Day is just around the corner. It’s also Fair Use in Art and Craft Day. In honor of both, I’m giving away two copies of Get Hooked: Simple Steps to Crochet Cool Stuff by Kim Werker. It’s a fun

Guest Blogger Selma with a Book Review

Selma came home from school in the middle of the day with a stomach ache. As she was convalescing, she re-discovered my stack of fiber-related children’s books. After reading Cashmere If You Can, she decided to write a review, and

Coffee Cake and Monday Catching Up

I got a bit of a late start today. My work continues on the teddy bear book–I’m completing a pair of swim trunks today (I hope), and earlier this morning one of my two guest designers, Robyn Chachula, mailed me