Swatch for Felting

Cascade 220 Swatch Originally uploaded by plainsight. Amy Swenson has asked me to do a couple of designs for her upcoming felting book. This blurry swatch (taken on the camera phone because I can upload instantly from phone to flickr

More Local Knitting Coverage

The city-sponsored monthly newspaper, The Takoma Park Newsletter featured an article about Knitting at Savory–my local stitching group that meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month. There’s a nice story including pictures of one of my students, Anya, and

One Misty Moisty Morning…

We’ve been having Seattle weather here in Maryland, and I couldn’t be happier. It’s made me realize how much that climate and the beautiful surroundings became a part of me the eight years we lived there. I was walking back

Where’s the Magic?

I decided to pick up and start working the sleeves of the cardi–since I wasn’t sure whether or not the sweater was long enough, I did the Knit2tog bind off. So if I decided I wanted to make it longer,


I’ve had a few comments in the questions lately, so I thought I’d devote a post to answers… Leah asked where I got my Yak Pak–I bought it from Now and Then, the store where I teach in Takoma Park,

One Skein…

0828060027.jpg Originally uploaded by plainsight. I know, I never blog progress shots. I’d love to do it more often ’cause it would mean I was making stuff for myself! Finaly, here’s one I can show. I’m making myself a little

Knit2Tog Bind Off

Marie Connelly, owner ofStitch DC gave a little preview of fall yarns at Design Within Reach in Bethesda, MD this weekend. One of the knitters there, Eva, was anti-purl. She knits everything, in both directions. She was a fascinating woman,

Book Review: More Tapestry Crochet

IMG_0867.JPG Originally uploaded by plainsight. I first met Carol Ventura in a class at TNNA in January. I learned the basics of Tapestry Crochet–which is crocheted colorwork, and I also got to talk a lot to Carol about her work.

Grandma’s Bed Slippers

Grandma’s Bed Slippers Originally uploaded by plainsight. They look a little elfin, don’t they… Well at least you can’t see how badly my legs need shaving or how badly my feet need a pedicure! Grandma Jean had her 90th birthday

Whatever Works

Whatever Originally uploaded by plainsight. Before the kids came around, my friend Joanne and I would collaborate to make elaborate Chirstmas presents for family and friends… We’d make exotic preserves, sew mitered cornered cocktail napkins, invent unusual polar fleece hats,