I know. It’s been quiet here, eh? Don’t you hate posts where folks talk about how they wish they had been posting more? I promise not to do that.
So. In May I started graduate school, and I’ve been writing. A lot. I’ve been swimming along learning how to balance school and the rest of life, and getting ready for my 10-day residency in July when I go to Anchorage with my fellow students and we do nothing but talk about writing. I’m both terrified and really looking forward to it.
Since I have little time for designing and making big projects, I declared recently on Twitter and Facebook that for me, this would be the summer of finishing up unfinished projects. So far so good. I’m making headway on a couple, and I *haven’t* cast on for anything new since I set that intention. Yet. I’m finishing up a pair of socks right now, then it’s on to a shawl and a scarf. Want to join me? if you finish something tweet using the #summerofufos tag so we all can see it.
I’ve been done editing Inside Crochet for a month or so now, but issues with my design in them will be coming out for a while. There are two out–issue 7 and 8 that I haven’t had a chance to mention yet. Issue 8 was the last full issue that Julie and I edited (but we commissioned designs up through issue 11, so I’m curious to see how the magazine ultimately evolves). In issue 7 I have a Slouchy Hat made from super-soft baby llama yarn:
The color work pattern was adapted from Barbara Walker’s Mosaic Knitting book. I love how her mosaic patterns look in crochet.
Issue 8 has just come out as well! I created what I’m calling a “Modern Spencer.” I was inspired by all the Jane Austen movies I’ve been watching where the young women wear these little cropped jackets over their dresses. The Spencer features a fun to crochet little peekaboo ruffle edging that makes it look like you’re wearing a bit of lace under your sweater.
Summer has been super-busy with camps and hikes and swimming and music and all of the usual Cordova craziness, except that the ship, and James with it has been in Seattle for training. In the middle of it all, we found out that the ship has been ordered to go to the Gulf of Mexico to aid in oil spill clean up. The trip down there takes weeks, and then they’ll be working on spill recovery for the foreseeable future. Argh. So we’re all learning to adjust to the idea of an extended separation. With the magic of satellite internet, the kids get a phone call every few evenings and James reads them a bed time story. We’re staying connected as best we can, and we’re hoping to meet up later in the summer in the Midwest.