Please Use Me

This is my favorite find from a recent trip to Anchorage. I was wondering through a sweet little shop downtown called Balliwick. The shop is small and well-curated with a sense of humor. And the last time I was there

Drifting Satellites and Books in the Mail

photo credit: I’m writing this in my text editor because a Russian satellite has apparently drifted from its proper orbit and it’s messing with our Internet access here in the cloudy, rainy North. Sound like a conspiracy? Maybe. But

Tis the Season for snow, and gifts!

Yesterday we got a huge dump of wet, wet snow, the city almost shut down which is saying a lot for Cordova. The snow removal machines (And James who seems to be constantly shoveling our BIG driveway) have had a

Make the Tassel of Your Dreams

I guess I still have hats on the brain. I’ve been trying to finish a lovely lace shawl, but it’s a little slow going, and I got sidetracked on Wednesday. It was James and my 14th anniversary, and I wanted

In which I brave a storm to take a photograph

There’s been a mini spinning boom here in Cordova. Earlier in the summer a couple of people in town expressed an interest in learning to spin, and Dotty had a class. I dusted off my wheel which had been hibernating

Back to School

Selma started fourth grade today. Of course, she chose her own first-day-of-school outfit, including the jacket which was my mom’s in college. Yeah, my mom is pretty tiny. I love school supplies, clean crisp notebooks, backpacks, new pencils. Since I

Teaching Grannies

On Wednesdays at the Net Loft there’s a Knitter’s Night Out, and in the summertime, often the store offers a mini-class you can choose to take. A couple of weeks ago it was a pretty lace washcloth with a lavender


July has been a crazy month. We’ve had a fabulous time entertaining visitors–two families, friends from Maryland, visited us–and we finally had excuses to do some of the fabulous nearby sightseeing that’s all around us. Like exploring the beaches at

Past and Present, with hat

Back in February we took the kids to Anchorage for the weekend. It happened to be Valentine’s day weekend, and we had a nice time going to movies (Coraline for Selma and Me, I can’t remember what the guys saw)

Wigging Out

So here I am blogging instead of finishing up the remnants of dishes from the book club I hosted yesterday. (More on that, and my boston cream pie in my next post). On Saturday night I got to go to