Feeling Sheepy

photo credit: JOE MARINARO I’ve always had a thing for sheepy yarns. You know the kind I mean. They smell earthy, feel a bit like lanolin. They maybe even have a bit of straw left in them (Spinners call this

Knitting of the Mind

Do you ever have periods where all you do is think about working on projects but nothing gets made? Well, I’m on vacation, so I don’t have any deadline knitting, but since I made a swatch on the airplane, I

Day Two: A Snowflake Ornament Two Ways

One of the fun things about this project is finding out about new blogs and web sites that I haven’t seen before. I found out about today’s snowflake ornament from someone on Twitter. She pointed me to the blog, Attic24–written

Winkin: A New Hat to Knit

Well, this hat actually isn’t new. It’s been in the wholesale catalog for the Stitch Cooperative for some time, but somehow I didn’t realized I never released it as a retail pattern. So here it is! I designed this pattern

Local Flavor

I’ve had a great time the last few days hanging out at my LYS, The Net Loft, and helping move yarn around. It’s inspiring to just be surrounded by yarn even if all you’re doing is taking it off of

The yarn continues its conversation with me

I did finish the baby sweater last night. I even wove in the ends. I haven’t *cough* written the pattern yet, but that will happen before the weekend is over. But it was pretty early in the evening when I

Potage, Baguette, and a New Pattern

OK, let’s start with the new pattern. You might have already heard that the new Twist Collective is out. It’s a great issue with some fabulous articles and a great selection of patterns. I especially liked all the socks. I

Maryland Sheep and Wool!

Here’s a quick round-up of my Sheep and Wool week which started on Wednesday with a class! This is Maggie Casey–here she’s spinning fiber right off of a comb. For years, I’ve ignored the lure of the spinning wheel, but

Yarn Review: Prism Tencel Tape

I recently received a skein of yarn from Prism Yarns called Tencel Tape. Tencel is the more eco-friendly cousin to Rayon. It’s made from cellulose, in this case wood pulp, like rayon, but the chemical processing is a “closed circut”