Make the Tassel of Your Dreams

I guess I still have hats on the brain. I’ve been trying to finish a lovely lace shawl, but it’s a little slow going, and I got sidetracked on Wednesday. It was James and my 14th anniversary, and I wanted

Winkin: A New Hat to Knit

Well, this hat actually isn’t new. It’s been in the wholesale catalog for the Stitch Cooperative for some time, but somehow I didn’t realized I never released it as a retail pattern. So here it is! I designed this pattern

In which I brave a storm to take a photograph

There’s been a mini spinning boom here in Cordova. Earlier in the summer a couple of people in town expressed an interest in learning to spin, and Dotty had a class. I dusted off my wheel which had been hibernating

Back to School

Selma started fourth grade today. Of course, she chose her own first-day-of-school outfit, including the jacket which was my mom’s in college. Yeah, my mom is pretty tiny. I love school supplies, clean crisp notebooks, backpacks, new pencils. Since I

Past and Present, with hat

Back in February we took the kids to Anchorage for the weekend. It happened to be Valentine’s day weekend, and we had a nice time going to movies (Coraline for Selma and Me, I can’t remember what the guys saw)

Happy Valentine’s Day Hat How-To

Last week I was thinking it would be fun to make something valentiney, and then while I was working at The Net Loft, I re-discovered the Brown Sheep Lamb’s Pride Worsted semi-solid colors. This combined with the fact that I’m

Countdown for Elissa

Just a few days left and the hat and scarf I designed for the Twist Collective will no longer be free! After February 1st, the Elissa hat and scarf will be available for sale on their web site, but until

Now with More Yak-A Baby Hat Pattern

It’s interesting (and a relief) to finally begin to dig down into my virtual and actual to-do piles now that I’m  catching up on things after the move. In May, right before moving, I was putting the finishing touches on

Familiar Visitors at Knit Night

Last Tuesday, at SSK (Silver Spring Knitters, our local group), I coerced Heidi into modeling my newly completed hat. The cap is a summer version of a hat I wore all winter long. (I’m obsessing a little bit about hats