Dude Demos Socks

Robyn alerted me to the fact that Detroit Public Television has episodes of Knit and Crochet Today streaming on their web site, including the episode where Drew Emborsky, The Crochet Dude, demonstrates how to crochet my toe-up sock design. Drew

Socks on TV

I got back Monday night from TNNA with a cold. I’m recovering, and it’s nice to be home. Cordova has noticeably more daylight than when I left. There were hurricane force winds and torrential rain while I was gone that

Crocheting for your feet

The September issue of Crochet Today magazine came out while I was in the midst of moving, and I didn’t get to see a copy until I was in Hawaii (I found it at Safeway!). I have a pattern for


Hopping between the two outlying states of Alaska and Hawaii is a great way to experience extremes. James is in Hawaii with the ship for training, and last week, the Kids and I flew down to visit. When I left