Wool Rescue

I’ve spent the afternoon preparing supplies for a class I’m teaching this month at The Canvas, an art studio here in Juneau. The class is called Sweater Reclamation. We’re making new projects from old wool: felted sweaters, cut up old

Repairing a Sock with Needlefelting (A Tutorial)

Next to handmade socks, we love Smartwool most. Their socks fit great and feel great, and most of them are pretty long-wearing. Some of the styles are more of a thin dress sock than a cushioned practical sock, and I’ve

Insert “felt” pun here

I tried to think of some witty post title about felting, but they all seemed too cheesy.  At any rate, Selma and I taught needle felting last week at The Net Loft. Students made little needle felted portraits on craft