Seasoning with Thriftiness – Alaska Gomashio

  I love gomashio — it’s a Japanese seasoning made with sesame seeds “goma” and salt “shio.” For years, I’ve used Eden Foods Organic Seaweed Gomasio which also has a few sea vegetables in it for flavor. But commercial gomashio

Selma’s Tummy Treat Gingerbread Recipe

Selma was home from school today recovering from a stomach bug, and by evening she was feeling better and looking for something yummy to eat that wouldn’t be to hard to digest. She requested gingerbread, and this is what I

Boston Cream Pie Recipe

As promised, here’s the Boston Cream Pie. This recipe is an adaptation and amalgam of a few different recipes. I was working on a New-England themed meal, and got the idea for Boston Cream Pie–but I don’t really like conventional

Coffee Cake and Monday Catching Up

I got a bit of a late start today. My work continues on the teddy bear book–I’m completing a pair of swim trunks today (I hope), and earlier this morning one of my two guest designers, Robyn Chachula, mailed me

Tea Time?

Orange scones on Flickr – Photo Sharing!. How about a recipe? I’m planning on slowly moving the recipes from my languishing food blog over here, since I see no reason to keep the two separate anymore. I developed this scone

Wild Rice Stew

This week I promised myself I’d get a jump on using the week’s veggies before they became less appealing in the fridge. I made chili earlier in the week with some of them, and today, I was craving stew–like a

Soup’s On!

Selma loves soup, and I find it a great way to sneak in healthy things that kids aren’t always excited about eating like beans and greens. We get a wonderful box of produce each week from a CSA farm in

Polenta Lasagne

A few nights ago, I came up with this recipe after seeing one for a Mexican polenta casserole. With the move coming up, I’ve been looking for easy recipes that we can make with things in our pantry both to