I Have a Fairy Knit-mother

As you know, I’ve been scouring the local thrift stores in search of ruined wool, and I haven’t been having much luck in that department. On the other hand, I’ve been finding an amazing cache of hand knits too beautiful

Wool Rescue

I’ve spent the afternoon preparing supplies for a class I’m teaching this month at The Canvas, an art studio here in Juneau. The class is called Sweater Reclamation. We’re making new projects from old wool: felted sweaters, cut up old

It was all because of the grommets

A few weeks ago, I was in our local little fabric store picking up some pretty silk/cotton fabric that my friend Jenny was going to sew into a dress for Selma. I do not have a good relationship with my


I’ve been thinking a lot about the great discussion of FREE that I mentioned Thursday on the blog. Essentially, its the idea that by giving away information you create a caring community of people who learn about you and what

New, New, New! New Year, New projects, New ideas even a New Contest…

It’s amazing the energy that seems to be happening this new year. The few listservs I am on are abuzz with ideas, it’s exciting to hear about new technologies and trends in publishing and the web new books coming out

Fair Use in Art and Craft Day is Coming Soon

by art makes me smile Are you working on any transformative works? If so, please consider showing them off on Fair Use in Art and Craft Day, May 1st.  When you’ve got something to show, post it to your blog,

Carol’s Mandala

Carol Ventura has a great post today about how she designed the Sunburst Bowl that’s in the current issue of Crochet Today (A must-have issue, by the way, that features top designers and great editors working within the strict constraints

Round and Round

I’ve been obsessing lately about crocheting in rounds. I’m teaching a class at Pins and Needles in Princeton, NJ on crocheted bowls and baskets… It’s definitely an exercise in letting go for some of my students. When you crochet in