New Pattern: Cosmopolitan Cowl

Sometimes my designs are inspired by fashion or nature or an idea or problem I want to solve, but sometimes, they are the simple result of harmony between yarn and hook. This cowl is such a design. The quiet undulating

Roundup of Halloweens Past

Wow–I just realized this is the FOURTH Halloween that I’ve been blogging, so I have a bit of goolish content on the blog that it might be nice to revisit. In 2005, my first year with the blog, I made

Sneak Preview: Waltz, a vest to crochet

Emily is wearing a new vest that is debuting this weekend at TNNA–it’s called Waltz (because the edging seemed to have a rhythm of one-two-three, one-two-three), it will be available for sale on my web site after the show. Emily

Kim dresses down the hipsters

Kim Werker has a great post about the comeback of big glasses à la the 1980s. Kim, I have to say I agree, and in honor of your courage in posting your glasses photos, here are mine: Hmm… Kim and