Diving Deeper into Mod Waterfall

Diving Deeper into Mod Waterfall

A few weeks ago, I got to spend an afternoon with Meghan Garrison, a friend here in Juneau who works for the Juneau Arts and Humanities Council. I asked her to model because she seemed like a great fit for

Instantly adjustable feet? A new slipper calculator.

No, not feet–but slippers. I’ve been playing with math so you don’t have to. Whenever you change something in knitting and crochet it involves a little math. But I’m excited because I found a WordPress plugin that will do the

Tower of Song

I awoke with the voice of Leonard Cohen today, and resisting all urges to record a new voicemail message, I’ve been laying low, working on Juneau Fine Arts Camp, and catching up on all the Internet I missed while traveling for the

Behind the scenes of Swink!

When the Knitty surprise came out last week with my newest pattern, Swink!, I was in the wilds of rural Alaska getting ready to go on a 4-day rafting trip with my daughter Selma. We had a little bit of

Modular Crochet Returns…

Astute commenter “ddkayton” tracked down an old post of mine today from 2006 (!) to let me know that Judith Copeland’s wonderful 1978 book “Modular Crochet” is back in print. When I started designing, I began to accumulate a small collection

Hanging in there…

Hanging in there…

The last couple weeks I got some stuff done (like I had an article published an article in the Capital City Weekly), and made progress on other stuff, but not without the obligatory productive procrastinating. For instance, I finally made

Inspiration in the Mail

New craft books are published every day. I love looking at them all, but the ones that really get my attention are stitch dictionaries. I use them for ideas when I’m designing, and I like just paging through them. This

It’s National Crochet Month!

Read to the end of the post for a special Coupon Code! Thank you to Amy and Donna over at Crochetville for inviting me to be part of the amazing blog tour that she’s arranged in honor of National Crochet

Oh, Headband…

Last weekend, I took a road trip with my dear friend Charlotte, and to thank her for doing all the driving, I knit her a little headband, reverse-engineering from a photo she found on the Interwebs with some gorgeous, hefty,

Head, Squared…

There’s a small but growing boy in my house who needs a new hat. Last week, he put on the hat I made him a couple of summers ago and said, “my hat shrunk!” I think it’s more likely that