I jusr received issue #5 of Knit Knit. They describe themselves as “A biannual artist’s publication dedicatd to the intersection of traditional handcraft and contemporary art.” It’s a wonderful zine-style publication with article, interviews and amazing photographs of fiber ART. The current issue has an article about Sheila Pope’s crocheted sculptural installations which she crates sometimes from a scaffold–on the fly for the space she’s exhibiting in. In fact, ‘tho its called KnitKnit, this issue is filled with crochet. There’s an article about a group of inmates who crocheted hundreds of hats and the cords to display them on for an exhibit/charity project juxtaposed with some great pictures of crocheted food. There’s also a piece on political textiles and a travel article about Lily Cotton which includes a pattern for a knitted tie. This is not a how-to publication, but it’s inspiring nontheless. If you were lucky enough to receive one of the first two hundred copies of KnitKnit 5, yours came in a bookwrap designed and crocheted by Josh Faught.
They also host events, openings and parties in conjunction with the publication.
Articles from previous issues, and links to buy this one can be found at the magazine’s web site www.knitknit.net