What with the movers being here this week, I’ve fallen a bit behind, but I did want to mention that Selma and I had a great time at Stitch and Pitch on Friday night. We met Rebecca, Lisa, Heidi, Junko and her husband Will at the Takoma metro, and after scrounging for parking change we caught the train to the new National’s stadium. The new stadium is great–it’s much closer to the metro than the old one. Also it has green roofs with grass instead of non-permeable materials.
We were in the knitters section of the stadium. Everywhere we looked there were knitters.
and Will said at the end of the game, “That was the most civilized sporting event I’ve ever been to!” Maybe it was because were paying more attention to our knitting and each other than the game (I can tell you the nationals won.
Of course, there were crocheters too–Lisa (above in the green shirt) just learned to crochet and is currently enamored by granny squares. I’ve given her all my yarn odds and ends and she’s making a million of them.
Selma had a great time being the only kid. She loved getting so much attention for her knitting, and every time I turned my head someone was sharing their treats with her.
I got to see some folks I haven’t hung out with in a while:
Jody (JavaJem)
I got to see Karida and we reunited our new Lexie Barnes bags:
By the time we left we were all pretty sleepy, but we had had a great time!