
“Susan Bates doesn’t deserve to be in a Lexie Barnes.” (Emily meant a Lexie Barnes needle case). Emily is blissfully between Grad School and her new job and she agreed, thank goodness, to let me hire her to organize my

Crocheting in spite of me…

On Saturday, we attended the Hamilton College commencement ceremony because it was the last commencement where my dad would be College Marshall–the person who leads the ceremony and directs everyone. (Here he is calling the ceremony to order.) He retires

Wishful Thinking

This weekend, my mom took the kids over to the fountain in our the little village green, one of the many picturesque parts of Clinton, NY, the town where I grew up. After she let them throw in a few

Downstairs from the fabric store…

…is a tattoo parlor. Yesterday, Emily and I were taking a break from de-cluttering and went shopping for buttons. She dared me to get a tattoo, so… GOTCHA!!!! It’s really a “tattoo sleeve.” I’m not sure when (or why) I

Latest Handspun

I finished this a week or so ago, but then as it was single ply and as I’m a novice, it was a bit over-spun, so I washed it and blocked it and dried it on the swift to straighten

Race to the end of the month…

Things are just a wee bit crazy around here these last few days. James had his last day of work, and now he’s home, feeling great about his time off, and getting ready for the move. We have so much

Drafting Sanity: A (long) day in the life…

At Robyn‘s request, I’ve written a blow-by-blow of my day, yesterday (Wednesday). 0555: “Mama–can I go downstairs?” Jay is patting me on the head, trying to wake me up. I poke James in the arm. His alarm clock will be

Time to move?

I think that our house is kicking us out. Our phone has been intermittently going on the fritz, every time it rains, as a matter of fact. And last week our furnace broke. Someone came to fix it, but a

Kim dresses down the hipsters

Kim Werker has a great post about the comeback of big glasses à la the 1980s. Kim, I have to say I agree, and in honor of your courage in posting your glasses photos, here are mine: Hmm… Kim and

More Takoma Park Indie Fiber Goodness…

If you had fun at the Homespun Yarn Party (or you didn’t make it), you should c’mon out to the Takoma Gazebo (in old town) for the Old Town Knitting and Craft Fair. Here are the official details: Event: Old