Day: August 28, 2009

  • Book of Lists

    Are you a list maker? I love making lists and crossing things off lists. (I’ve been known to add just completed items to a list just for the sake of crossing them off). I also love paper and pens. Every year I agonize about getting a calendar/planner because most of the time, I end up not using it. I’ve finally realized that what I really like is a big book to make lists in–with a calendar in it for convenience.

    My favorite planner until now is the Quo Vadis TextAgenda. It’s a small paperback book sized planner with a full page per day. It has a durable faux leather cover. It also has lots of useful little details, and it hasn’t changed since I first discovered it when I was studying abroad a million years ago in college. (They also make blank books and I carry one around as my sketchbbook). Unfortunately, I don’t make notes every day, and I find with the page a day format, I’m wasting a lot of pages.


    This year, I decided to do something different. I found a notebook I liked, and then in the beginning of the book, I added calendar pages. There’s a little software program called DynamicTemplates that allows you to print out calendar pages just for this purpose in all different sizes. I used some leafy paper I had stashed, and I’m using a binder clip to make it easy to flip from the calendar section to my listmaking section.

    Planner Notebook

    I like how the notebook is spiral bound so there’s a place to put the pen. This particular notebook also has graph paper and a little pocket in the back.


    I know there are lots of much more creative handmade planners out there (You can see a bunch on flickr, but I was able to put this together in an hour or so, and now I’m actually using it, lots.) Alright, time to go cross blogging off of today’s list.