Froggin’ on TV

By now, you may know I’m a fan of DIY’s Knitty Gritty. I like the show because I actually can learn techniques from it that I’ll use both in crochet and knitting. Tonight, the topic was recycling garments either by

Blossom Baby Hat–Pattern

Blossom Baby Hat, originally uploaded by plainsight. Please click on the Lulu link to purchase the pattern. It’s $4.00 and you’ll be able to download it immediately after purchase. Thank you to my testers for their input and suggestions with

Crochet Library: Kid’s Crochet

I’ve just finished reading Kids Crochet : Projects for Kids of All Ages by Kelli Ronci. It’s a lovely hardcover book designed to teach children to crochet. The organization is simple and straightforward. Ms. Ronci discusses materials and tools before

The joy of mistakes

A student of mine told me yesterday, if she takes a class and doesn’t make any mistakes, she’s almost disappointed. She has a great additude about the learning process: she sees mistakes as a way to learn a new technique

cestinhos de sacos plásticos

cestinhos de sacos plásticos, originally uploaded by Catrela. I stumbled upon these great crocheted bowls made from plastic bags when I was searching crochet on technorati. I’ve been wondering myself what else you could make with plastic bag crochet. How

Selma Shrugs

Pins and Needles, the local yarn shop in Princeton, NJ where I teach crochet, has asked me to create a shrug pattern. I worked up a sample for my daughter Selma with yarn from my stash before starting on the

New Link Feed!

My brother is a programmer in silicon valley. He keeps me up-to-date on all things digital. The latest great thing come my way is a site called Registering is free–there are no ads it’s completely non-commercial. It’s just a

Crochet library: Cool Crochet

Look what’s new on the bookshelf this month– Melissa Leapman’s Cool Crochet: 30 Hot, Fun Designs To Crochet And Wear: another of the “new generation” of crochet books diffusing the myth that crochet is old, stogey, or lace-ridden. The greatest

Googling Gauge

I’ve been trying to find cool patterns for about 6 balls of bulky yarn I have lying around my stash. And it’s frustrating trying to search when the term “bulky” can describe such a wide range of gauges. Wouldn’t it

John Haley’s Vest

Here’s my latest finished project. Riffing on my bib pattern, I made this little newborn vest for my soon-to-be born nephew. It’s meant to be reversible (i.e. either the red or yellow side can be in front).