
Ravelry just got cooler. I don’t know how long this feature has been around, but I just discovered it. Ravelry now has a “bookmarklet” that you can install in your Firefox boomark bar that says “Ravel it.” If you find a pattern on the web and want to see who’s making it in Ravelry, just click your “Ravel it.” button and you get immediately redirected to the pattern’s Ravelry page (if one exists). It works at lighting speed when a pattern is in the Ravelry database. It made me think that clever pattern purveyors might want a button they can put on their pattern pages with a link directly to their Ravelry pattern pages.

Ravelry is getting much busier these days now that more and more people are getting on, and the business is all good–I’ve found old friends, I’ve seen a lot more crochet activity going on, and I’m trying to be good and add all my Fall Fiber Festival purchases into my stash record.


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