Crochet and Gagging Amoeba

First the crochet.

Airing Blanket

One of the things we recovered from my mother-in-law’s house after she passed away was this blanket. It’s wool oversized grannies made in natural colors of chunky yarn. It’s heavy and warm. I love the big blocks and simple color combination. I don’t know if she made it, she was a highly skilled crocheter so she certainly could have. It needs a good airing out and a little repair. There are a couple of moth holes. I think I can repair using the broken yarn around the holes themselves.

Then there’s my new project bag.

Sock Monkey Bag

Last spring I bought Selma some flannel sock monkey sheets from the bargain bin at Target. They sat in the closet until it was cold enough for flannel again (yesterday!). I realized when I opened the package that the sheets were in this little flannel drawstring bag. Somehow, Selma didn’t protest when I said I’d like to keep it.

Now onto the amoeba. Yesterday when I was procrastinating examining my blog statistics, I discovered that people find my blog when they search “brain-eating amoeba” because of a post I wrote back in September. How funny to imagine the people looking for information on parasites find a crochet blog instead! I told my brother the programmer who of course, couldn’t let it rest there. He discovered by playing with google, if you type in “gagging amoeba” my site is top-listed! He says I’m also the top for “amoeba crochet” and suggests it might be time to crochet an amoeba. [ETA: John wants to make sure I say he specified a crocheted ameoba HAT–hoping it might provide some protection from the real thing… hmmm… he does have a birthday coming up]. He says I should be proud of the google rating. A dubious distinction, I think.


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