Airport reading

Airport reading Originally uploaded by plainsight Pleasantly suprised to find crochet today in an airport newsstand!Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Crocheted Sea Creature

Organism 1 Originally uploaded by gooseflesh Gooseflesh, aka Helle Jorgensen is the artist behind the Rubbish Vortex a collection of pieces created entirely made of plastic bag yarn which will be on display this year at the Institute for Figuring

Block like McGuyver Would…

Manhattan Craft Room has a great tutorial on using household objects and hardware store finds to block without blocking board or wires.

Superbowl Refugees

Crafty Superbowl… Originally uploaded by plainsight Walking upstairs to fill my stew bowl during the Superbowl, I discovered this little group in my friend Kim’s living room making origami “puffy stars” and doing hair wraps.

Book Review Roundup

I have a pile of new books, and thought I’d share some with you. The first is Positively Crochet by Mary Jane Hall. This books has over FIFTY designs. My absolute favorite is the Easy Shrug [Ravelry]-a ribbed shrug style

Crocheted Jewelry

Crocheted Ring Originally uploaded by lindsaystreem I love this thread crocheted ring I found on flickr. Lindsay Streem, the artist sells her jewelry on her Etsy Shop.