In Travel Limbo

I’m in travel limbo. I got back from a week-long trip on Sunday, and we leave tomorrow for a month. I feel like I’m moving stuff from one suitcase to another. But really, there’s a lot more to it than that, involving many loads of laundry and trying on summer clothes to remind myself what fits (both me and the kids).

Selma and I spent the last week in Tatitlek, Alaska. Tatitlek is a tiny native Alaskan community with a population of about 130. Each year they host Tatitlek Cultural Week when they invite students from all over the state to come and learn native Alaskan cultural traditions: dance, language, craft, subsistence living.  Selma is a member of the Cordova native dance troop and the group was invited to attend. I went along as chaperone. I have tons to say about the experience, it was wonderful and we are looking forward to doing it again next year. But right now I’m finishing an edit of my book and packing for our next big adventure which is a month-long trip to the east coast. I’ll leave you here with a little slideshow of our trip and I hope I can write more about it soon.

In other news, Twitter has helped me solve a knitting mystery. My grandmother e-mailed me a scan of a dishcloth because I had seen it at her house last summer and I wanted to decipher the stitch. OK, I don’t know what’s stranger about that last sentence-the idea of scanning a dishcloth, or the fact that My grandmother, who will be 93 this summer knows her way around a scanner and e-mail. Either way, I was impressed with her mac skills.

Here’s the dishcloth:

Double Knit Waffle Dishcloth

My twitter knitting sluth buddies @sbutterAmfly and @sandysays have guessed that it’s a brioche stitch, and I tend to agree. The most likely one is Moss Brioche. I’m looking forward to trying it out to make sure. This will make a good plane project as we leave again tomorrow. This time the trip includes my 15-year college reunion, a long-awaited visit to DC (where I get to go to the Stitch and Pitch game AND to my old knitting group!), as well as TNNA. Whew! I hope I’ll be able to pick up the pace of posting too. Be sure to check out my twitter stream for mini-updates between posts.

Later this week, guest blogger Kristi Porter will be writing about her inspiration behind the creative production of her new book Knitting in the Sun.


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