A Book Giveaway for May Day

May Day is just around the corner. It’s also Fair Use in Art and Craft Day. In honor of both, I’m giving away two copies of Get Hooked: Simple Steps to Crochet Cool Stuff by Kim Werker. It’s a fun

The yarn continues its conversation with me

I did finish the baby sweater last night. I even wove in the ends. I haven’t *cough* written the pattern yet, but that will happen before the weekend is over. But it was pretty early in the evening when I

The Yarn Speaks

I feel like there are two kinds of yarn acquisitions–for the yarn and for the project, right? The other day, I just *had* to buy some Hazel Knits DK because, well, it was gorgeous and I hadn’t ever tried it

Boston Cream Pie Recipe

As promised, here’s the Boston Cream Pie. This recipe is an adaptation and amalgam of a few different recipes. I was working on a New-England themed meal, and got the idea for Boston Cream Pie–but I don’t really like conventional

Wigging Out

So here I am blogging instead of finishing up the remnants of dishes from the book club I hosted yesterday. (More on that, and my boston cream pie in my next post). On Saturday night I got to go to

Fair Use in Art and Craft Day is Coming Soon

by art makes me smile Are you working on any transformative works? If so, please consider showing them off on Fair Use in Art and Craft Day, May 1st.  When you’ve got something to show, post it to your blog,

New Pattern: A Crocheter’s Backpack

The new e-book from Straight from Today’s Designers has just been released and I have a pattern in it. The book is Strapped for Bags, Volume 3. This e-book has 7 designs from some of your favorite designers including Doris

Tax Day Treat – Waltz Pattern Sale

Because everyone should get a little treat on tax day, and because I wore Waltz the other day and renewed my love for it, I think you should have one too.  Therefore, for today only, Waltz is only $2.00. Enjoy!

Guest Blogger: Donna Druchunas Talks Knitting, History and Inspiration

I’m so happy that designer and author Donna Druchunas has agreed to post about the inspiration for her new book Ethnic Knitting Exploration: Lithuania, Iceland, and Ireland. Her take on knitting and history is fascinating and is colored by family