Potage, Baguette, and a New Pattern

OK, let’s start with the new pattern. You might have already heard that the new Twist Collective is out. It’s a great issue with some fabulous articles and a great selection of patterns. I especially liked all the socks. I

Crocheting in spite of me…

On Saturday, we attended the Hamilton College commencement ceremony because it was the last commencement where my dad would be College Marshall–the person who leads the ceremony and directs everyone. (Here he is calling the ceremony to order.) He retires

More Takoma Park Indie Fiber Goodness…

If you had fun at the Homespun Yarn Party (or you didn’t make it), you should c’mon out to the Takoma Gazebo (in old town) for the Old Town Knitting and Craft Fair. Here are the official details: Event: Old

Maryland Sheep and Wool!

Here’s a quick round-up of my Sheep and Wool week which started on Wednesday with a class! This is Maggie Casey–here she’s spinning fiber right off of a comb. For years, I’ve ignored the lure of the spinning wheel, but