Instantly adjustable feet? A new slipper calculator.

No, not feet–but slippers. I’ve been playing with math so you don’t have to. Whenever you change something in knitting and crochet it involves a little math. But I’m excited because I found a WordPress plugin that will do the

Rippling Along

“Like a blanket to wear around your neck,” we agreed. I’d been chatting with Melissa, who owns Seaside Yarns–the lovely little yarn shop here in Juneau. We are both crocheters from childhood and we have strong associations with granny squares

Sara’s Hat — A New Pattern @Craft

Craft Magazine has just published my latest pattern, Sara’s Hat, on their blog. It’s a perfect fall hat–a soft beanie worked in squishy wool (Blue Sky Alpacas Worsted Hand-Dyes). Back loop single crochet is finished with Crab Stitch (reverse single

Feeling Sheepy

photo credit: JOE MARINARO I’ve always had a thing for sheepy yarns. You know the kind I mean. They smell earthy, feel a bit like lanolin. They maybe even have a bit of straw left in them (Spinners call this

Knitting of the Mind

Do you ever have periods where all you do is think about working on projects but nothing gets made? Well, I’m on vacation, so I don’t have any deadline knitting, but since I made a swatch on the airplane, I

New Pattern: Isoceles Shawl

I made this shawl last fall for the new Tension Magazine and it’s finally been released. This narrow shawl was worked in Filatura di Crosa Superior, a very fuzzy cashmere silk that was lovely to crochet. It’s a filet-crochet style

Tis the Season for snow, and gifts!

Yesterday we got a huge dump of wet, wet snow, the city almost shut down which is saying a lot for Cordova. The snow removal machines (And James who seems to be constantly shoveling our BIG driveway) have had a

In which I brave a storm to take a photograph

There’s been a mini spinning boom here in Cordova. Earlier in the summer a couple of people in town expressed an interest in learning to spin, and Dotty had a class. I dusted off my wheel which had been hibernating

Instant Scarfettication

Yesterday I was teaching at The Net Loft when I had one of those strange convergences whereby the need for something springy to wear (brought on by a bit of rainy weather) and the urge to crochet a quick project

Tax Day Treat – Waltz Pattern Sale

Because everyone should get a little treat on tax day, and because I wore Waltz the other day and renewed my love for it, I think you should have one too.  Therefore, for today only, Waltz is only $2.00. Enjoy!