Seasoning with Thriftiness – Alaska Gomashio

  I love gomashio — it’s a Japanese seasoning made with sesame seeds “goma” and salt “shio.” For years, I’ve used Eden Foods Organic Seaweed Gomasio which also has a few sea vegetables in it for flavor. But commercial gomashio

Gifts of Food: A recipe for Candied Pecans

I really wish December was two months long. Right now I’m on a break between semesters (which reminds me… I’ve got to go register for spring!). So I’ve been getting into the Christmas spirit, with Christmas crocheting and knitting and

Cinnamon-Crusted Pumpkin Seed Recipe

On Wednesday night we had our annual pumpkin carving party. We’ve been hosting one each year since we moved away from Seattle where our friends Van and Tracy always had a great party. James has adopted Van’s recipe for Hot-Buttered

Recipe: Lentil-Pecan “meat” loaf

A few folks on Facebook took issue with me calling this dish “meatloaf.” (They were not vegetarian, ironically). I usually call it meatloaf because then people know what I’m talking about, and “veggie loaf” just doesn’t sound very appetizing. (Have you noticed that loaf is one of those words that starts to look strange after you stare at it for a while?) You can decide for yourself what to call it. My family called it delicious-even Jay who usually sticks to eating PB&J or spaghetti enjoyed dipping bits of it into ketchup. I made it because I was walking by The Cordova Café and saw a sign advertising “Cold Meatloaf Sandwich,” and that sounded so good.

Berry Sweet Rolls (A recipe)

I’ve now been in Cordova for a little over a year, and I’m enjoying being able to attend some favorite events from last year for the second time. Tonight was the Copper River Watershed Project’s Berry Festival. It’s a pot-luck

Selma’s Tummy Treat Gingerbread Recipe

Selma was home from school today recovering from a stomach bug, and by evening she was feeling better and looking for something yummy to eat that wouldn’t be to hard to digest. She requested gingerbread, and this is what I

Boston Cream Pie Recipe

As promised, here’s the Boston Cream Pie. This recipe is an adaptation and amalgam of a few different recipes. I was working on a New-England themed meal, and got the idea for Boston Cream Pie–but I don’t really like conventional

Potage, Baguette, and a New Pattern

OK, let’s start with the new pattern. You might have already heard that the new Twist Collective is out. It’s a great issue with some fabulous articles and a great selection of patterns. I especially liked all the socks. I

Coffee Cake and Monday Catching Up

I got a bit of a late start today. My work continues on the teddy bear book–I’m completing a pair of swim trunks today (I hope), and earlier this morning one of my two guest designers, Robyn Chachula, mailed me

C is for Cookie

I know, I should be done with the holiday baking. But we were invited for dinner at a friend’s house the other night, so I made a batch of cookies to bring along. I also made quick work of eating