And the projects get tinier and tinier…

Is it spring that’s giving me the attention span of a gnat? I’m not sure, but luckily, I’ve been finding projects to match. Rachel over at CraftZine posted a link yesterday to Kootoyoo‘s blog-where Kirsty shows a very pretty granny

Dude Demos Socks

Robyn alerted me to the fact that Detroit Public Television has episodes of Knit and Crochet Today streaming on their web site, including the episode where Drew Emborsky, The Crochet Dude, demonstrates how to crochet my toe-up sock design. Drew

Carol’s Mandala

Carol Ventura has a great post today about how she designed the Sunburst Bowl that’s in the current issue of Crochet Today (A must-have issue, by the way, that features top designers and great editors working within the strict constraints

Time to move?

I think that our house is kicking us out. Our phone has been intermittently going on the fritz, every time it rains, as a matter of fact. And last week our furnace broke. Someone came to fix it, but a

Year of the Rat: baby beanie and booties

Crochetroo designed this amazing Year of the Rat hat and booties–I love the rat tail on the top of the hat, and the adorable nose toes for the booties. I’m hoping I hear about a baby I can make these

Yarn Party Pictures

March08 408 Originally uploaded by javajem Oh Look! There’s a flickr pool of the yarn party–here’s a shot someone took of my table–you can’t see all the squishy garments I had on display, but there’s Jay in the front trying