No Wire Hangers!

While we’re on the mommy subject, Olivita at Chuculeta Con Raton has a beautiful project crocheting around wire hangers to make them, well, less wire-y. You’re clothes will stay on them better, and they’re pretty! (Be sure to browse her


I have a babysitter who comes four mornings a week to play with Jay while I work. While they’re together–going to the park, or story time at the library, I sort of have a value system of what’s “worthwhile” to

Knit Witch

Knit Witch Originally uploaded by plainsight. We had a neighborhood pumpkin carving party tonight… Here’s my contribution–actually, James carved. I never carve, I just drew the picture. Even as a kid, my dad did the carving for me, whereas my

A DC Fall Day…

On Thursday night, I was up until 4 a.m. working on a project for a deadline. I finished it in time to get it in the mail on Friday, but instead of sleeping in, I had to get up on

We Have a Guest!

I’m happy to welcome designer and Author Donna Druchunas as our guest blogger today. Donna is the author of the new beautiful new book, Arctic Lace, and today she’s giving us a photo tour of her trip to Alaska and

"Block it, Block it, Block it!"

With apologies to Stephanie for co-opting her great use of the phrase… We really did scare the muggles tonight. At our normally quite rowdy monthly Savory knitting group we were trying to convince Rebecca that yes, her mohair shawl would

Eye Candy

Eye Candy Originally uploaded by plainsight. Since I’m not ready to post yet on Rhinebeck, I’ll show you instead what came in the mail today… A bit of Tilli Tomas beaded wool, destined for scarfdom in the next issue of

Rhinebeck, here we come!

Swatch Originally uploaded by plainsight. OK–I’m off to Rhinebeck–If I’m on your bingo card, perhaps the best way to recognize me would be to spot Jay and Selma who will be in tow. We have a van full of kids

Annie Vlogs Her Design Process

Annie Modesitt has a great video on her blog showing how she takes a swatch and converts it into a scale model of the garment she’s going to create. Technorati Tags: knitting, youtube, video, sketch, swatch

Norway, Anyone?

In addition to the great yarn and designers that hail from there, it turns out there’s a knitting museum. As I’m partially of Norwegian descent, I think it’s only right that I make a visit, someday… Via Strikkelise’s lovely blog,