New Pattern: Isoceles Shawl

I made this shawl last fall for the new Tension Magazine and it’s finally been released. This narrow shawl was worked in Filatura di Crosa Superior, a very fuzzy cashmere silk that was lovely to crochet. It’s a filet-crochet style

How long is your tail?

One of my favorite recently learned knitting tips comes from Colleen Borodkin who works at The Net Loft, here in Cordova. When she’s guesstimating how much yarn to spool out for a long-tail cast on, she uses her shoulder width

Olympic Headband for Angela: Crochet Tutorial

Last week, while I was in Friday Harbor, my friend Angela watched my kids for several days–the ship was out and James gone with it. I wanted to make Angela a little something as a thank you, and since she


I’ve been thinking a lot about the great discussion of FREE that I mentioned Thursday on the blog. Essentially, its the idea that by giving away information you create a caring community of people who learn about you and what

A Voyage of the Mind

Voyage of Avalon, from Flickr User Reinante El Pintor de Fuego, CC-licensed, some rights reserved I absolutely love being home. I love setting up house (a good thing since we have to move every 2-3 years) and I love living

New Pattern: Sookie’s Scarf

If you haven’t been sucked into the world of vampire fiction, you can just consider my newest pattern something sweet for Valentine’s day and spring. $4.00 This scarf celebrates my love of hearts and my love of vampire fiction–especially Charlaine