Inspiration in the Mail

New craft books are published every day. I love looking at them all, but the ones that really get my attention are stitch dictionaries. I use them for ideas when I’m designing, and I like just paging through them. This

It’s National Crochet Month!

Read to the end of the post for a special Coupon Code! Thank you to Amy and Donna over at Crochetville for inviting me to be part of the amazing blog tour that she’s arranged in honor of National Crochet

A new book that got my fingers itching for a hook: Crochet Master Class

The book is called, Crochet Master Class: Lessons and Projects from Today’s Top Crocheters. It came in the mail last night from the publisher, and I was immediately drawn in. It’s a book you can sit down and read and

All Hallow’s Read – Creepy Craft Book Giveaway

photo credit: mkhall Last week on Twitter, author Neil Gaiman mused that there should be more holidays for giving away books. And because of the way things work on Twitter and the Interwebs, now there is. It’s called All Hallow’s

Drifting Satellites and Books in the Mail

photo credit: I’m writing this in my text editor because a Russian satellite has apparently drifted from its proper orbit and it’s messing with our Internet access here in the cloudy, rainy North. Sound like a conspiracy? Maybe. But

New, New, New! New Year, New projects, New ideas even a New Contest…

It’s amazing the energy that seems to be happening this new year. The few listservs I am on are abuzz with ideas, it’s exciting to hear about new technologies and trends in publishing and the web new books coming out

Book Review: Reversible Knitting by Lynne Barr

I looked forward to getting Reversible Knitting: 50 Brand-New, Groundbreaking Stitch Patterns because I’m a big fan of Lynne Barr’s book Knitting New Scarves. Lynne’s innovative and clever approach to knitting continues in this book. The book begins with a

Guest Blogger Selma with a Book Review

Selma came home from school in the middle of the day with a stomach ache. As she was convalescing, she re-discovered my stack of fiber-related children’s books. After reading Cashmere If You Can, she decided to write a review, and

Book Review: Vintage Crochet

Normally, when you here the words “vintage” and “crochet” in the same sentence, your mind is drawn to the crochet kitsch of the 1970s. I have nothing against 70s crochet, but this new book, Vintage Crochet by Susan Cropper is