Behind the Scenes at Knitty Gritty

Amy on Teevee Originally uploaded by such sweet hands. Cecily was an awesome friend/host/tour guide while I was in LA for Knitty Gritty–she’s posted a set of pictures on Flickr of the filming and hanging around back stage. She also

In the mail today…

0208071707.jpg Originally uploaded by plainsight. The new Interweave Knits in its redesigned loveliness (including a fantastic piece about Camel yarn from Mongolia), some swatching balls (merino with beads, silk with sequins, yum!) from Tilli Tomas that came in the most

Sweet Shrug

shrug front Originally uploaded by Erin Bee. Erin Bee has crocheted the Sweet sweater as a cute shrug. I may have to try this version myself. I I love how the sleeve caps fit her shoulders just right, and she’s

Doris Chan Top

Doris Chan TopOriginally uploaded by plainsight. On Monday night, I was teaching a crochet class and one of the students wanted to make this top (The Abydos Vest from Amazing Crochet Lace: New Fashions Inspired by Old-Fashioned Lace), so I