An Interview with Lily Chin

Sunday morning 8:00 a.m. at The National Needle Arts Association Conference in San Diego I took Crochet Tips and Tricks with Lily Chin. Her class was lively and fun—even though Lily readily admits she’s not a morning person she was

I should have knitted a pedastal

Olympians Originally uploaded by plainsight. Ahem, “In recognition of an olympic sized knitting project with many twists and turns, pushing the limits of the art form, Jenny is hereby awarded (for her entrelac tote) the Shaun White (Flying Tomato) Gold

New Scarf Design Published!

I finished this design for the folks at Blue Sky Alpacas late last year, and it’s finally available on their web site. I got to see proof for the pattern–and a beautifully done green version stitched by one of the

Who Knew? (Well, I’m sure lots of you did.)

So I’m plugging away at my Team FO obligations. Today’s goal was finish swatches for a friend’s book proposal. (You’d thought I’d finished them on Tuesday? Me too. I had to redo one and add a third.) I’ve got one

Book Review: Subversive Cross Stitch

Julie Jackson has been creating naughty and bawdy cross stitch kits for several years on her web site. She’s now teamed with chronicle books to produce a book, a calendar and note cards which will be released this spring. The

Happy Wrists!

After a long weekend at my parents where I was blocked from my e-mail for a couple of days by their firewall and didn’t get much knitting done because of all the activity, my sore wrists have been feeling very

TNNA: The Magical Cat Bordhi

When I had signed up for classes at The Needle Arts Association Conference in San Diego, the one I really wanted to take, a class on knitting ancient footwear taught by circular needle pioneer Cat Bordhi, was already full. Cat

Go Team FO! And a blocking convert

I’m officially considering myself a member of team FO. In the last few days I finished THREE projects. The first was a poncho that I didn’t actually knit, but agreed to do the finishing work on. The second is my

Busy day, still no socks… UPDATE–PICTURE ADDED

I spent the early part of the day today at Future Green a new store near Dupont Circle specializing in eco-friendly products for the home. Leigh Baily, a local knitter has been working with the owners of the store to

Olympic-sized Hurdles

<rant> Ack! As I set the Opening Ceremonies to TiVo, I’ve realized that the hardest part of finishing these socks for the Knitting Olympics is not going to be the socks themselves, but the other work I have to do: