Cinnamon-Crusted Pumpkin Seed Recipe

On Wednesday night we had our annual pumpkin carving party. We’ve been hosting one each year since we moved away from Seattle where our friends Van and Tracy always had a great party. James has adopted Van’s recipe for Hot-Buttered

Of Halloweens Past

Ms. Diane of CraftyPod tweeted the other day that her mom had blogged a picture of one of her childhood Halloween costumes. Of course this inspired me to ask my mom if she had any pictures lying around of me

All Hallow’s Read – Creepy Craft Book Giveaway

photo credit: mkhall Last week on Twitter, author Neil Gaiman mused that there should be more holidays for giving away books. And because of the way things work on Twitter and the Interwebs, now there is. It’s called All Hallow’s

Feeling Sheepy

photo credit: JOE MARINARO I’ve always had a thing for sheepy yarns. You know the kind I mean. They smell earthy, feel a bit like lanolin. They maybe even have a bit of straw left in them (Spinners call this

What’s the deal with book reviews?

photo credit: JuditK One of the fun parts of having had a fiber arts blog for over five years (!) is that I’m regularly asked to review books, yarn and tools. I used to actively seek out this kind of

In Praise of Mending

photo credit: Kirstea When’s the last time you fixed something instead of throwing it away? I have a love-hate relationship with mending. I can’t stand to get rid of clothes just because they need repair, (so much of our wardrobe